Tasks filtering and sorting

Any information is better perceived when it is grouped and shown in small portions. DevPlanner provides convenient way for tasks filtering and sorting.

To filter tasks in the Tasks combo box on the toolbar choose appropriate filtering option. Filter will be applyied immediately. Filtering will be applied for completed categories too.

Possible filtering options listed below.

  1. All tasks - no filter applied and all tasks and all subcategories of the selected category will be visible.
  2. Future tasks - shows only incomplete tasks, those status is New or "In progress".
  3. New - shows only new tasks.
  4. In progress - shows only currently in progress tasks.
  5. Completed - shows only completed tasks.

You can improve visibility of most important tasks by hiding low priority tasks. Turn off "Low priority tasks" from the View menu.

The task listing in the main DevPlanner window can be quickly sorted by any of the fields displayed in the file listing. Just click on any column title to sort on it. To change sort order click the same column again.

See also

Working with a task | Working with a category | Completing complex tasks, stages and projects

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